Futures Studies of Related Fields

Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what others can’t


This is one of the most important parts of a futures studies project that will enable cryptocurrency businesses to stay up-to-date and ready to deal with a variety of possible future scenarios.

The work process in this section is such that related areas such as the future of cryptocurrency exchanges, the future of trading robots, the future of the cryptocurrency market, etc. are identified. Then, in each case, the mega trends and effective components in the future of the field are extracted. Then, with a strong impact and uncertainty of each component and mega trends, a score of 1 to 10 is assigned (with different methods such as questionnaires for experts, Delphi method, etc.). Then, the two components with the highest importance and uncertainty are selected as the main drivers. Based on these two drivers, 4 possible scenarios for the future of the field are developed. Assuming that each scenario occurs, a strategy is developed for them to avoid any surprises in the event of any scenario, and the strategies are already known, which creates an important advantage for cryptocurrencies over competitors.

In order to develop geographically and allocate representation in other countries the following items are considered:

  • Measuring the target market in terms of the prevalence of cryptocurrencies
  • Culture assessment
  • Measuring the tastes of the contacts in the target country in terms of user interface and user experience

Currently, cryptocurrencies are in strong competition with gold as an investment platform, but there is no doubt that bitcoin has different uses than gold in financial markets. There are many business opportunities that involve cryptocurrency, and many entrepreneurs are investing in finding suitable ways to become part of this revolution.

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